EdgeFlow CASH
Manage Your Cash Flow
BEFORE It's a Problem
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Knowing is (only) Half the Battle
Use EdgeFlow Cash today to:
  • TAKE CONTROL of what bills are paid and when purchases are made.
  • CATCH BANK BALANCE SHORTFALLS before they happen.
  • Build REAL-TIME FLEXIBLE PLANS to balance many cash flow scenarios.
  • PREVENT COSTLY BUSINESS DECISIONS decisions before they drain your reserves.
  • SOLVE YOUR CASH BALANCING efforts faster than ever before.
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What We Do

Control Your Cash Before It's Gone

EdgeFlow Cash™ transforms cash management by focusing on your financial future, not just the past. Our innovative Cash Planning Software (CPS) empowers you to actively manage and forecast your cash flow.

With EdgeFlow, you can easily track bills, invoices, planned purchases, and sales forecasts through our intuitive Cash Grid™ interface.

We put real-time control of your finances at your fingertips.

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on the left: a harried looking accounting professional sits behind a stack of papers and a computer. he is holding a sign that says "we have no money!" on right: a group of people sit around a conference table and look at edgeflow cash's cash grid on the conference room wall's display.
Pricing & Subscriptions

Subscription Plans

Take advantage of our new release pricing plans today!


Use EdgeFlow Cash:
  • 4 Week Cash Grid
  • Up to 10 each of Bills, Planned Purchases, Invoices & Planned Income‍
  • Up to 4 Business Areas
  • Google Sheets Integration
  • Single User per Account


Free, plus:
  • Unlimited Business Areas
  • Up to 100 each of Bills, Planned Purchases, Invoices & Planned Income‍
  • Accounting Software Integration
    (coming soon)
  • Purchase Additional Users
    ($4.99/each additional user)


Premiere, plus:
  • Unlimited Bills, Planned Purchases, Invoices & Planned Income‍
  • Custom Finance Software Integration
  • Unlimited Users
  • Subscribe for free then Contact Us for Pricing.
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About EdgeFlow Cash

Frequently Asked Questions

How does EdgeFlow Cash help me control my cash?

EdgeFlow Cash streamlines your cash management in one intuitive interface. By consolidating key transactions in our Cash Grid, it simplifies tracking and controlling finances. Easily 1) prioritize payments, 2) adjust purchases, 3) speed up collections, and 4) accurately forecast revenue. Designed to replace a mess of cumbersome spreadsheets, EdgeFlow Cash offers an interactive, user-friendly solution for real-time financial control.

Interactive AND easy to use? Sign me up!

Why should I use EdgeFlow Cash instead of another Cash Management Software?

Choose EdgeFlow Cash for a future-focused approach to cash management. Unlike traditional software that merely tracks where your cash has gone, EdgeFlow Cash empowers you to control where it is going. We are about proactive management, not mere reporting. With EdgeFlow, you're equipped to anticipate and avert financial risks, ensuring your business stays ahead of the curve. It's not just cash management; it's cash mastery for your company's future.

So... I should use it! Sign me up!

We are in cash trouble! Why would I spend money when I’m bleeding cash?

Experience the power of EdgeFlow Cash with our free version, designed specifically for businesses navigating cash flow challenges. Our software is built to help you effectively manage your finances, especially when funds are tight. Use it daily to gain control over your cash flow, save your business, or optimize your spending. After the trial, choose our affordable monthly subscription to continue mastering your cash management, or explore other methods. EdgeFlow Cash is your tool for financial stability in tough times.

That’s a fair deal. Sign me up!

Why does EdgeFlow Cash move beyond the traditional 'spreadsheet simulator' approach of other CMS systems?

EdgeFlow Cash transcends typical spreadsheet-based CMS systems, which are fine for reporting and analyzing, but not for proactive management. We developed the Cash Grid™ to facilitate active financial management. It’s about more than just observing; it’s a tool for effectively managing and controlling cash flow. With real-time interaction and customizable views across business areas, categories, and time frames, you can dynamically adjust transactions to optimize your cash position. EdgeFlow Cash is designed not just to report, but to empower you to take immediate control of your finances.

The Cash Grid™ sounds great. Let's try it!

How do I get started using EdgeFlow Cash?

Click on the button below subscribe. Once you have signed up you’ll be given a data template specific to your company. Update that data template and then launch EdgeFlow Cash to direct your cash flows!

Sounds Simple. Let's get started!

If we didn't answer all your questions, contact us with more!

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Not ready for software?

See how to use EdgeFlow Cash™... Paper Edition!

Before we made EdgeFlow Cash we prototyped the CashGrid™ concept on paper.

Get The Cash Grid™ template here

Learn More
an example of the paper cash grid, with information written into the boxes in pencil. the information lists spending, ap, and revenue estimates for each business area and week.
Take Control of Your Cash Flow
There's no better time than today to start planning your cash flow.
Do it with EdgeFlow CA$H™.
Start Now
EdgeFlow CA$H